Business combinations under US GAAP KPMG 2021 Handbook

KPMG explains the accounting for acquisitions of businesses and related issues with examples and analysis. In this comprehensive update, KPMG provides detailed guidance on and interpretation of ASC 805, including illustrative examples and Q&As, and addresses specific acquisition-related accounting issues.


  • Company that is involved with a business combination
  • Company that presents goodwill in its financial statements

Relevant dates

Effective immediately

Report contents

  • Scope
  • Identifying a business combination
  • Acquisition method
  • Identifying the acquirer
  • Determining the acquisition date
  • Determining what is part of the business combination
  • Initial recognition and measurement
  • Subsequent measurement
  • Disclosures
  • Determining fair values
  • Goodwill and other intangible assets
  • Private companies and not-for-profit entities
  • Pushdown accounting
  • Combinations of entities under common control

Download from KPMG Financial Reporting View

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