KPMG Handbook: Asset acquisitions in US GAAP

KPMG in-depth guidance explains in detail how to account for asset acquisitions. The guidance includes KPMG’s latest interpretations based on frequent questions and answers, and illustrates how the accounting for asset acquisitions differs from business combinations accounting.


An acquirer entering into a transaction that is considered to be an asset acquisition

Relevant dates

  • Effective immediately

Asset acquisitions – KPMG perspective

The evaluation of whether an acquired set of assets and activities qualifies as a business may have significant accounting implications. For a transaction or event to be accounted for as a business combination, the acquired set must constitute a business. This is an important determination, given the different accounting models for the acquisition of a group of assets versus a business.

KPMG expects that many transactions will qualify as asset acquisitions under the FASB’s current definition of a business. Acquisitions of assets are accounted for using the cost accumulation and allocation model, rather than the fair value model that applies to business combinations.

In this Handbook, which supplements KPMG Handbook, Business combinations, KPMG provides additional information to help entities understand the accounting for asset acquisitions.

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