PwC is pleased to offer updated accounting and financial reporting guide for Property, plant, equipment and other assets. Although many view the accounting for property, plant, and equipment to be relatively straightforward, there is limited technical guidance and there can be many areas that require judgment. Some areas, such as construction in process, capitalized software, long-lived asset impairment, and asset disposals, can be complex. In addition to these areas, this guide addresses a variety of other topics including the accounting for asset acquisitions, asset retirement obligations, environmental obligations, insurance recoveries, and research and development costs and funding arrangements.
This guide summarizes the applicable accounting literature, including relevant references to and excerpts from the FASB’s Accounting Standards Codification (the Codification). It also provides our insights and perspectives, interpretative and application guidance, illustrative examples, and discussion on emerging practice issues.
This guide should be used in combination with a thorough analysis of the relevant facts and circumstances, review of the authoritative accounting literature, and appropriate professional and technical advice.
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