This PwC guide serves as a compendium of many of today’s presentation and disclosure requirements included in US GAAP, including relevant references to and excerpts from the FASB’s Accounting Standards Codification (the Codification). It also provides our insights and perspectives, interpretative and application guidance, illustrative examples, and discussion on emerging practice issues.
This guide also discusses the requirements in S-X, Article 5, for commercial and industrial companies. In most cases, the content does not include the requirements of other Articles of Regulation S-X or other industry-specific guidance. However, some chapters address topics relevant to reporting entities in other industries, such as investments and derivatives.
Appropriate financial statement presentation and disclosure is key to achieving the objectives of financial reporting, including providing decision-useful information to investors, lenders, creditors, and other stakeholders. This guide has been prepared to support practitioners in the preparation of their financial statements. It should be used in combination with a thorough analysis of the relevant facts and circumstances, review of the authoritative accounting literature, and appropriate professional and technical advice.
The guidance in this guide is applicable to reporting entities that are going concerns and addresses financial statement presentation and disclosure related to the core financial statements.
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